Sunday, July 5, 2009


Do you ever have one of those moments as a parents where you realize that you have made a huge mistake-a wipeout if you will. I don't know if you have ever seen this show but its pretty funny (if you enjoy pithy commentary and people looking like complete dweebs). I made the mistake of not turning it off when Madison wandered in one night. She settled down next to me and was soon laughing along with me as people fell off giant bananas, giant balls, and well just about everything. The next night instead of requesting Backyardigans or Blues Clues for her bedtime show she begged me for Wipeout. "Those balls are really funny momma!" I have always had a strict no TV in front of our child policy with the exception of American Idol (I know it is a sickness that I have). What to do? I realize that I am perhaps teaching her indirectly that it is funny to laugh at people when they fall down. I can picture her first day of Kindergarten when some kid falls off the slide and Maddie points her finger and starts laughing. One must hope that everything else I have tried to teach her counteracts the need to laugh when someone falls in a big old pile of mud.

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