Lest you think I spent my year in Georgia sitting on my porch sipping sweet tea, gossiping at the hair salon, and spying on my neighbors (okay one to many times watching Steel Magnolias). Here is the proof that I left my mark on this area.

Just call me Pastor Tara

Nothing like a strip mall to bring in a little cash on the side.

Why settle for one mall when you could have two...

or three....

The apartment homes were not worth it.

after the fourth mall I figured why not upgrade....

to an Inn...

or luxury apartment homes

at this point the fifth strip mall was easy cheesy

My husbands favorite was the Tara Tow Trucks. You may scoff but they were painted to the nines and bedazzled with gems on the hood - I am not kidding about the sparkles. I just want to take this opportunity to thank Georgia for all that they let me do.